Monday, November 12, 2007

What a start to the day!

Well, I had the most interesting start to a Monday that I've ever had today ...

It was about 12.45am this morning when Ashton came down to our room with a terrible croupey cough, and he was getting really distressed. He's had croupe a few times before, so I'm familiar with the whole 'barking' cough thing, but for the first time he was actually really having trouble drawing in breath, and was gagging and reaching and really struggling for air, so we called for an ambulance for some assistance.

The MICA ambulance arrived in about 6 or 7 minutes, and then a normal ambulance arrived shortly after that, but by the time they had arrived, I had managed to calm him down enough that he could get some air in, but he was still very tight in the throat.

So, they decided we'd need to take a little ride and head to hospital, so he could have some steroids and open up the airway. My first ever ride in an ambulance! Nick stayed home with Liam who was fast asleep and totally oblivious to the whole thing, and I sat at the hospital with Ashton while he was given medication and monitored for a while. We headed home shortly after 3.00, and then I settled him back in bed, and made it back to bed myself around 4.00am.

Needless to say I'm a little weary today, but happy that we got him treatment so quickly. This was the first time I have ever really considered calling an ambulance, and I'm glad we did ... he got the help he needed in super quick time, and is all the better for it!

What a start to a Monday ....

Talk to you soon,

1 comment:

Lexie said...

Oh goodness Ness. What a night. I am glad everything went ok and he is feeling better today!