Hello all! Yes, finally, edition 67 of Scrapbook Creations has hit the shelves of the newsagents ... and I've got my first published layout in it - I'm on page 76. Very exciting indeed! Now I need to look forward to edition 69 as well ... I've got another layout scheduled for that one.
Life has been pretty busy in my world of late - we've had night time Auskick sessions, dinners, brew days, and on Sunday night we went to the COG gig in at the HiFi Bar with Justin. It was an absolutely fabulous gig - they've got such a big sound for a 3-piece! The supports were nothing flash - lots of noise, and trying hard to be rock gods, but they were neither rock, nor gods, so it was a bit sad really.
Then the public holiday Monday was spent cleaning up the house a bit, in anticipation of me going in for day surgery on my knee yesterday at Glenferrie Private Hospital. I've had knee problems for quite some time, and I finally decided to go and get it looked at recently. Basically, I have no cartilage left on the underside of my knee cap. It's bone on bone when I bend my knee. Oh goody! So, round one was yesterday's surgery, where they harvested some of the remaining cartilage cells, which will now be grown in a lab for 8 weeks, and then I have another operation (a biggie!), where they will basically be turning my knee inside out and doublesided sticky-taping the cartilage back on to my knee cap. Icky! And, if that's not enough, they'll also be cutting out some bone where the tendon attaches to it, and moving it across a bit, so that my knee cap is finally in the right spot, and won't wear away again.
So, there's a whole world of pain ahead for me ... I'm not doing too bad today after yesterday's surgery, but I am feeling quite nervous about the second operation. It's going to be hard on everyone ... I'm not going to be able to put any weight on that leg for 4-6 weeks, and then only partial weight-bearing for another month or so, so it means that Nick is going to need to do just about everything around the house, and I'm going to need to call in a few favours from my friends as well. It's going to be fun trying to work out getting the boys to and from school and childcare, and I'll not be able to work for about 6 weeks. Lots of scrapping coming up for me!
Then, there's going to be months of physio, to try and build up the quad muscle that is basically going to waste away because I won't be able to use my leg at all. Fun fun fun.
Oh well, it's got to be done - doing nothing about it will render me virtually cripple in a few years anyway, so I really don't have much choice. Doesn't make the nerves go away though. It's going to mean I'm in hospital for about a week after the surgery too ... it's going to be pain like I've never known before! Sheesh!
Anyway, I'm still working away on my secret behind-the-scenes project, and can't reveal any more about it yet, and haven't had any time for scrapping lately ... but that's all going to change quite soon!
That's all I have to report for now - hope you are all well, and I'll talk to you soon.