Sunday, August 2, 2009

Well, the time has come ...

... for the big knee operation. I'm off to Latrobe Private Hospital tomorrow, and should be in hospital for around a week or so.

After having to wait 8 weeks after the harvesting arthroscope, the last couple of weeks have actually gone by very fast indeed, and it's now come up with a bit of a rush! I've got so much to do around the house before I go in to hospital - had a very busy day yesterday making sure every single piece of the boys clothing is washed and hung up in the wardrobes ready for the week, and have vacuumed, cleaned out the fridge, cleaned the mouse cage, changed the kids bed sheets ... you get the idea.

Today I need to clean all the bathrooms, wash the floor, wash the dog (!), sort all the socks and jocks, do a final grocery shop to get the fridge and freezer well stocked for the next few weeks, and pack my bag. I'm sure there's more on my list, but I can't think of it at the moment. But, unfortunately, today I have woken up with a doozy of a migraine, so that has put pay to any housework so far. I've only just managed to get out of bed now, thanks to the magic migraine tablet starting to do its thing (I LOVE Imigran!), but now the usual muscle cramping is beginning in my neck and shoulders, so I think it's going to be at least an hour before I feel up to doing any housework.

Thankfully the boys have been great this morning - I put Ben 10 on for them, and apart from a few toy disputes which were easily resolved, I haven't heard a peep out of them.

Nick should be home late this afternoon to help out a bit - he's doing a St John First Aid Course this weekend, and was very keen to show off his bandaging skills to Ashton last night :)

We did have a lovely dinner last night - we went out for dinner with Kath and Justin, to a great Japanese restaurant at Southbank called Miyako. The food was delish, and as always, the company was fabulous too :)

Well, I guess I should try and get something done ... probably wasn't a bad idea to get a bit of extra rest this morning, as I doubt I'm going to have a very good night's sleep tonight. Feeling just a tad nervous about what lies ahead for me ... having never had anything done like this before, I have NO IDEA how much it's going to hurt ... but I'm sure they'll give me some stunning painkillers, and I won't particularly care for the first few days LOL.

I've got the roster sorted out for the boys - unfortunately, they're being shipped off all over the place next week while I'm in hospital, but it's only for the week, and then we will return to some semblance of normality while I'm home.

So, it's going to be at least a week before I manage to post again ... so wish me luck, and I'll speak to you again soon!


1 comment:

Susan Hurley-Luke said...

Thinking of you Ness and hoping all went really, rellay well XX